ATTAG – Required components

This post will be updated from time to time, the components might change, so it is up to you if you want to experiment on your own while in the “pre-release” state or wait for a release state. All items get a color status:

yellow = component might change blue = component is final choice, only chance of change is if insurmountable obstacles appear

The prices are those I payed for them and of course depend on the source where you get them. I am not related to any of these shops and I don’t get any bonus or affiliate payments, they are just a suggestion.

NOTE: Not in the list are basic items you will need for sure such as wires, solder, some glue and filament for the printed parts. For the JST connectors I don’t provide a link since there are offers with collections that make more sense including or not including tools etc.

Minimum requirements for ONE blaster, minimum means no audio or visual feedback and no blaster ID, which makes all of this pretty useless but you can fire at a target and the target gives feedback. Actually you just need the IR sender and receiver, one resistor plus the LOLIN S3. But hey, that won’t be fun at all.

qtycomponentdate of change/addpriceurl to shop
1LOLIN S3 mini or clone2024-03-075,47 EURlink
1LD 274-3 IR LED2024-02-030,99 EURlink
11000 uF capacitor2024-02-030,95 EURlink
1TIP 120 transistor2024-02-030,45 EURlink
21N4148 diode2024-02-030,06 EURlink
13,3KOhm resistor2024-02-030,05 EURlink
10,5Ohm resistor2024-02-030,23 EURlink
1TSOP 31238 IR receiver2024-02-030,85 EURlink
15V power bank2024-02-03
1micro switch2024-02-030,17 EURlink

Suggested additional parts for ONE blaster. This is the stuff YOU WANT to get in addition to the minimum requirements.

qtycomponentdate of change/addpriceurl to shop
1128×64 I2C OLED2024-02-031,57 EURlink
14Ohm 3W speaker2024-02-030,82 EURlink
2socket for the S3 mini2024-02-030,16 EURlink
1trimmer 100Ohm2024-02-030,30 EURlink
1PAM 8302A amp2024-03-011,60 EURlink
24 pin JST XH 2,54mm socket2024-02-03
24 pin JST XH 2,54mm
82 pin JST XH 2,54mm
82 pin JST XH 2,54mm
43 pin JST XH 2,54mm
43 pin JST XH 2,54mm

1mainboard PCB2024-02-03
1achromat lens2024-02-03

Additional blaster components for maximum fun 😉

qtycomponentdate of change/addpriceurl to shop
3470 Ohm resistor2024-02-030,81 EURlink
14 pin magnetic
2024-02-032,02 EURlink
1MB85RC256V FRAM2024-02-032,48 EURlink
25mm LED red2024-02-03
1WS2812B 5V
LED strip
1128×32 OLED display2024-02-031,20 EURlink

Components for the server

qtycomponentdate of change/addpriceurl to shop
sunton display
WITH touch
2024-02-0310,80 EURlink
14Ohm 3W speaker2024-02-030,82 EURlink
1rechargable battery2024-02-034,71EURlink

Update 2024-03-07:

Since the S3 Mini causes massive trouble with many libs I probably have to replace it again by something else, I ordered some ESP32 WROOM dual core boards to check them out and to compare their behaviour to the bitching of the S3 Mini.

I hope the S3 is still an option in the future (damn, I got ten of them 😉 ) but at the moment it suffers from incompatibility because the development of many important libs is still not aware of it or just doesn’t want to be aware of it.

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